19 Jul

Health and Wellness

In Canada, South Asian immigrants are the fastest growing visible minority group. Not only is this community at high risk for developing diabetes, but they tend to be diagnosed at a younger age. Fortunately, by improving lifestyle habits, we can prevent or delay the development of diabetes and its bad consequences (e.g., heart attack, stroke, blindness).

This work is published by the UBC-VGH Hospital Foundation. Its work was supported by the Peer-Led, Empowerment-based Approach to Self-Management in Diabetes (PLEASED) study, and funded by the Azad and Yasmin Shamji family.

Kato Design and Photo is honoured to have designed the cover and inside pages, created the fixed layout eBook for multiple platforms, and produced the interactive PDF for free downloads.

Print edition: 6 × 9 inches

280 pages, including over 170 colour photos

ISBN: 978-1-9990632-0-7 (softcover) | ISBN: 978-1-9990632-1-4 (eBook .epub) | ISBN: 978-1-9990632-2-1 (eBook .kpf / Kindle) |ISBN: 978-1-9990632-3-8 (eBook .pdf)

31 May


After 45 years researching British Columbia ship histories, John M. MacFarlane is sharing a carefully curated collection of 1,900 of the most significant shipwrecks and marine disasters of British Columbia. He has assembled detailed accounts in an easy-to-read, easy-to-access book that will please the casual reader as well as the most dedicated nautical historian. The waters of British Columbia are dangerous — and have claimed thousands of vessels and thousands of lives over the last 250 years. In these carefully- researched accounts the author has separated myth from fact to tell true stories of marine wrecks and disasters.

John M. MacFarlane is the Curator of the Nauticapedia Project, an online database of 70,000 vessel histories. He is the Curator Emeritus of the Maritime Museum of British Columbia and the author of many books and publications of nautical heritage.

Cover and page design, layout, and typesetting by Jan Westendorp/Kato Design and Photo.

Published by The Nauticapedia

First Edition: 8 × 10 inches; softcover; 276 pages—including footnotes, references, bibliography and 72 black and white photos; ISBN: 978-0-9936954-4-5

Second Edition: 6 × 9 inches; softcover; 428 pages—including footnotes, glossary, references, bibliography, and 72 black and white photos; ISBN: 978-0-9936954-8-3

Available online at Amazon

31 May

Walk That Land Again

Walk That Land Again is the posthumously-published memoir by award-winning author, educator, and community historian, Bill Schermbrucker, in which he explores his personal history during a visit—after a 20-year absence—to the place of his birth in Kenya. “ . . . He expertly evokes the people, places and emotions of several impactful weeks from the middle of his life. . . .”

Cover and page design, layout, and typesetting by Jan Westendorp/Kato Design and Photo.

6 × 9 inches

softcover with 4-inch French flaps

272 pages, including 20 photos in colour

ISBN: 978-1-7771854-1-1

31 May

Trailer Trash Chaplain

“As I tentatively reached for the doorknob, a scene from Alice in Wonderland flashed through my mind. Do you remember the tiny door that Alice encountered when she fell into the rabbit hole? In the movie, the doorknob morphs into a little face and begins to speak to Alice. Would this doorknob come to life as well, I wondered? Would it sprout tiny ears, whiskers and a pointy snout? . . . ”

Explore the adventures of Chaplain Laurel, author of Let’s Pray Scripture!, as God reveals the challenges and rewards of living on the fringe alongside the ‘outcasts’ of society.
Humorous and intriguing, this book is a compelling read.

Cover and page design, layout, and typesetting by Jan Westendorp/Kato Design and Photo.

Published by STL Waters Publishing

5.5 × 8.5 inches


174 pages

ISBN: 978-0-9938382-1-7

Available from Red Tuque Books

31 May

Mapping Your Values



Do you keep getting stuck in the same ruts? Have you lost track of your life’s meaning and purpose? Have you tried different counsellors and self-help practices only to end up back where you started? If so, you’re not alone. In this groundbreaking book Tom Brooks presents his radical idea that your values are the essence of who you are and that your efforts at self-improvement are bound to fail until you map them.

A sought-after counsellor and dynamic public speaker, Tom uses stories, humour, and road-tested advice to explain how you can live an authentic life by discovering and living your values.

Published by Solutions to Life Counselling.

Cover and page design, layout, typesetting, and production of three eBook formats by Jan Westendorp/Kato Design and Photo.

5.5 × 8.5 inches

276 pages

ISBN: 978-1-7775641-0-0 (softcover) | ISBN: 978-1-7775641-1-7 (eBook: .epub) | ISBN: 978-1-7775641-2-4 (eBook: Kindle) |ISBN: 978-1-7775641-3-1 (digital: .pdf)

Available on Amazon

31 May

Poems and Stories

This book is the result of many years of work which persisted, despite taking a rather circuitous route through a life journey filled with interruptions, including relocation to another country. As the decades progressed, both the writing and the writer matured, awaiting the right moment for the work to resume and coalesce into Poems and Stories; later being translated from the original Brazilian Portuguese, the author’s mother tongue.

Self-published by Edmée Leal. Cover and page design, layout, and typesetting by Jan Westendorp/Kato Design and Photo.

5.5 × 8.5 inches

softcover with 3-inch French flaps

248 pages

ISBN: 978-1-7713693-7-4

31 May

The Crabapple Tree

“Growing up in the countryside I found much joy being outside in nature all year round. When I was a child I wrote a poem about our crabapple tree and the life that surrounded it. I loved to see the tree change throughout the seasons. Twenty years later that poem inspired me write and illustrate this book.” ~Leslie Speed

This project’s brief was to format the artist’s delightful lithographs and story for the book and make them press-compliant for a print run.

8.5 × 11 inches

32 pages in full colour

ISBN: 978-17775190-0-1

31 May

The New Dreaming

The design brief, working in collaboration with Behind the Book, included designing this book’s inside pages, and a fixed layout eBook compatible with Kindle devices as well as other eBook platforms.

In The New Dreaming, Sarah Foster shares the stories of fifteen Elders and Knowledge Keepers from around the world as they express their relationship with nature, ancestral teachings and traditions, language, and a personal message to all children of the Earth. Through these diverse voices and worldviews, readers will experience a beautiful variety of geographical places, cultures, and communities while discovering the universal connections that unite us all.

7.5 × 9.52 inches

120 pages; full colour throughout

ISBN: 978-17774600-0-6 (softcover) | ISBN 978-17774600-2-0 (eBook/.epub) | ISBN: 978-1-7774600-1-3 (eBook/Kindle)

Available on Amazon.

31 May

Fallen Leaves

This privately published book contains letters written during a span of 14 years between 2004 and 2018 to three recipients in China who wanted to improve their English languages skills in general as well as in relation to their hobbies or areas of professional expertise and specialization.

The brief for this project included the cover design and page designs for a complex text that includes Chinese characters, the Greek alphabet, Germanic Runes and other symbols, as well as creating the black and white diagrams throughout.

6 × 9 inches

ISBN: 978-1-7773586-0-0

256 pages, including four colour photos and several illustrations

30 May


The small crew of the Starship Intrepid, with its newly developed and untried experimental computers and faster-than-light engines, head into space and are led to the planet Nyanga by a mysterious radio beacon emanating millions of miles away. After a perilous landing on the planet, they discover two civilizations, one under the dictatorship of an evil, all-powerful entity ruling the city and its people, while the other lives peacefully and harmoniously with nature. Danger, feints and double-crosses await John, a former Scout Service spaceship pilot, and his crew mates, Brian, a Space Merchant Corp veteran and owner of the Orion’s Belt Bar, along with Susan, the executive secretary to an eccentric billionaire, on the roller coaster adventure of a lifetime.

Cover and page design, layout, typesetting, and reflowable eBook production by Jan Westendorp/Kato Design and Photo.

6 × 9 inches


606 pages

ISBN: 978-1-7774729-0-0 (softcover)
ISBN: 978-17774729-1-7 (eBook)

Available online at Amazon