Do you keep getting stuck in the same ruts? Have you lost track of your life’s meaning and purpose? Have you tried different counsellors and self-help practices only to end up back where you started? If so, you’re not alone. In this groundbreaking book Tom Brooks presents his radical idea that your values are the essence of who you are and that your efforts at self-improvement are bound to fail until you map them.
A sought-after counsellor and dynamic public speaker, Tom uses stories, humour, and road-tested advice to explain how you can live an authentic life by discovering and living your values.
Published by Solutions to Life Counselling.
Cover and page design, layout, typesetting, and production of three eBook formats by Jan Westendorp/Kato Design and Photo.
5.5 × 8.5 inches
276 pages
ISBN: 978-1-7775641-0-0 (softcover) | ISBN: 978-1-7775641-1-7 (eBook: .epub) | ISBN: 978-1-7775641-2-4 (eBook: Kindle) |ISBN: 978-1-7775641-3-1 (digital: .pdf)
Available on Amazon